Advertise wherever
your customers are!

Pornhub gets 130 million average daily visits.
again: 130 Million!

Your target group is there. Guaranteed.

We utilize every opportunity to make your brand stand out and sustainably increase your revenue.

This means:
Wenn deine Kunden auf Pornhub sind, dann werben wir eben auch dort.

Trust us, they are there! Just look at the numbers. And where are you? Remember - You are also a client.

The Facts

3,5 Bn

monatliche Besucher
allein auf Pornhub

147 MM

tägliche Seitenaufrufe
in Europa

8:26 Min

The average session on Pornhub

29 %

Users of adult websites are women

Your Win


Our customers generate high increases in traffic and sales through the additional advertising channel.

Like TV

Your target audience are there. All of them.
A large reach like TV advertising - yet costs much less.


The platform is used long enough to communicate effectively your advertising message.

Did we mention that everyone is there? No matter what their culture, education, income, religion or gender.

We make it as easy as possible for you

    • We create banners that appeal to your potential target audience.
    • Wir kümmern uns um die richtigen und passenden Einstellungen und Platzierungen deiner Werbung auf Pornhub oder einer anderen Plattform.
    • We evaluate performance and provide reliable reports on your advertisements.
    • Our offer has an attractive price-performance ratio.
    • Our test-package is compact, impactful, and quickly provides reliable numbers.
    • AdsYLike ist neu, aber wir haben viel Erfahrung und den Ehrgeiz uns weiter zu verbessern. Für jeden Kunden von neuem.


We are reliable, uncomplicated, and fair.

The pricing of a banner campaign on adult sites

The daily budget which should be used for meaningful advertising depends on the desired target country. Countries such as Germany, Great Britain and France have very high number of visitors and at the same time users who are ‘ready to buy’.

In countries such as Spain or Poland, it is sensible to have somewhat lower daily budgets.

And in countries such as Latin America you can advertise with a very small daily budget.

We advertise where your customers are.

Of course, they are (hopefully) not on Pornhub non-stop.
We are the only campaign agency to focus on advertising on adult websites, as it helps for our own marketing.

However, we have naturally mastered the full breadth of performance-driven online marketing, and lead more potential customers to your website using all available means.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Please use this form and we will get in touch with you shortly.