Declaration on the obligation to inform


Privacy policy

In the following privacy policy, we inform you about the most important aspects of data processing within the framework of our website. We collect and process personal data only on the basis of the legal provisions (Basic Data Protection Regulation, Telecommunications Act 2003).

As soon as you access or visit our website as a user, your IP address, start and end of the session is recorded. This is technically required and therefore constitutes a legitimate interest iSv Art 6 para 1 lit f DSGVO.

Contacting us

If you contact us, either via our contact form on our website, or by email, then the data you send us will be stored for six months for the purpose of processing your request or in case of further follow-up questions. There is, without your consent, no disclosure of your transmitted data.

Server-Log Files

This website and the associated provider automatically collects information in the course of website use as part of so-called "server log files". This concerns in particular:

  • IP-adress or hostname
  • used Browser
  • Duration of stay on the website as well as date and time
  • Pages viewed on the website
  • Language settings and operating system
  • "Leaving-Page" (on which URL did the user leave the website)
  • ISP (Internet Service Provider)

This collected information is not processed in a personal manner or associated with personal data.

The website operator reserves the right to evaluate or check this data in the event that illegal activities become known.


Cookies are files that record certain information about your device when it is connected to the internet. In order to facilitate your access to our website as well as to enable the evaluation of visits to our website, we store cookies on your internet-enabled device.
We use certain cookies to record e.g. your IP address and other details when you visit our website, such as which pages are accessed, what is clicked on, the length of a visit to the website, the browser used, technical information about your internet-enabled device (desktop or mobile device, screen size, operating system) and the source of the visit to our website (whether you reached our website due to our marketing activity, or which website referred you to our website). We use this information to design and display the website optimally according to your preferences. Only the cookie itself is identified on your device. Personal data is only stored with your consent or if this is absolutely necessary to be able to use the service offered by us that you are accessing.
This website uses the following types of cookies, the content and functionality of which are explained below:

  • Technically necessary cookies
  • Marketing cookies from US providers
  • Performance cookies from US providers

The marketing and performance cookies that we use only record part of your IP address, so that it can no longer be linked to you.

Technically necessary cookies
Technically necessary cookies are used to provide functions that are required for you to use our website as intended. These are technically necessary cookies within the meaning of Section 96(3) of the Austrian Telecommunication Act (TKG); personal data is processed for this purpose on the basis of Article 6(1)(f) GDPR to safeguard our legitimate interest in ensuring that our website functions without technical issues. You have the right to object to such processing at any time.
You can find an overview of the technically necessary cookies that we use in the Cookie Settings on our website.

Performance Cookies von US-Anbieter
Performance cookies are only used on the basis of your consent pursuant to Article 6(1)(a) GDPR.
Performance cookies collect information about how our websites are used so that we can improve their attractiveness, content and functionality. These cookies help us to determine, for example, whether and which pages on our website are visited and which content users are particularly interested in. We recognise you when you visit our website and we can record which pages you have visited on the website or which services you use. In particular, we record the number of times a page is accessed, the number of subpages accessed, the time spent on our website, the order of the pages that are visited, which search terms directed you to us, the country, region and, if applicable, the city from which you are accessing the website, as well as the proportion of mobile devices accessing our websites. We also record movements, clicks and scrolling with your mouse to understand which areas of our website are of particular interest to users. As a result, we can tailor the content of our website more specifically to the needs of our users and optimise our website.
We use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google LLC (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA). Google Analytics uses performance cookies that are stored on your internet-enabled device and can be used to analyse your use of our website. This allows us to identify which of our services are popular or are not used at all.

Marketing cookies from US providers

Marketing cookies are only used on the basis of your consent pursuant to Article 6(1)(a) GDPR.

Marketing cookies are used to collect information across websites about the websites the user visits and to create targeted ads for the user. Marketing cookies can be used to provide personalised online ads and enhanced analysis and evaluation of the target group and user behaviour.

We use the Google Ads service provided by Google LLC (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA).

As part of the Google Ads service, we use Google Ads Conversion to draw attention to our attractive offers on external websites using advertising media (known as Google Ads). We can determine how successful individual advertising measures are from data for the ad campaigns. In doing so, we pursue our interest in displays advertising to you that is of interest to you, in making our website more interesting to you and in achieving a fair calculation of advertising costs.

These ads are delivered by Google via ad servers. For this purpose, we use ad server cookies, which can be used to measures certain parameters of success, such as display of the ads and clicks by users. If you access our website via a Google ad, Google Ads will store a cookie on your device. The unique cookie ID, the number of ad impressions per placement (frequency), the last impression (relevant for post-view conversions) and opt-out information (flag that the user no longer wishes to view the ad) are usually stored as analysis values for this cookie.

These cookies allow Google to recognise your internet browser again. If a user visits certain pages of a Google Ads customer's website and the cookie stored on their computer has not yet expired, Google and the customer can identify that the user has clicked on the ad and been redirected to that page. A different cookie is assigned to each Google Ads customer. Cookies can therefore not be tracked via the websites of Google Ads customers. We do not ourselves collect and process any personal data for the above advertising measures. We only receive statistical analyses from Google. Based on those analyses, we can see which of the advertising measures we have used are particularly effective. We do not receive any further data from the use of advertising media; in particular, we cannot identify users on the basis of this information.

We also use the remarketing function provided as part of the Google Ads service. We can use the remarketing function to show users on our website ads based on their interests on other websites within the Google advertising network (on Google Search or YouTube, Google Ads or on other websites). The interaction of users on our website is analysed for this purpose, e.g. regarding which offers the user was interested in, to be able to display targeted advertising to users on other websites, including after they have visited our website. For this purpose, Google stores cookies on the devices of users who visit certain Google services or websites in the Google Display Network. These cookies are used to record the visits of these users. The cookies are used to identify a web browser uniquely on a specific device and are not used to identify a person.

Based on the employed marketing tools, your browser automatically establishes a direct connection with the Google server. We have no influence over the scope and the further use of data, which are collected by Google and therefore inform you to the best of our knowledge. Google receives the information that you have accessed the relevant part of our website or have clicked on one of our adverts. If you are registered for a Google service, Google may allocate the visit to your account. Even if you are not registered at or have not logged on to Google, the possibility exists of the provider learning and storing your IP address.
Furthermore, the cookies employed allow us to understand whether you perform specific actions on our website after you have accessed one of our display/video ads on Google or on another platform or whether you have clicked on them (conversion tracking).

Managing cookies
You can find an overview of the cookies used on our website in the Cookie SettingsYou can withdraw or give your consent to performance and marketing cookies at any time with effect for the future under the settings.
Technically necessary cookies can be used on our website without your consent. It is therefore not possible to enable or disable technically necessary cookies individually.
However, you can set your web browser to prevent all cookies from being saved on your device or to ask you each time whether you agree to cookies being created. With common browsers, you can select this setting under "Settings" in the "Security" or "Privacy" folders.
Please note that disabling all cookies may limit the functions on our website.

Duration of storage
The life of the individual cookies used is shown under the Cookie Settings on our website.

Data recipients
Technically necessary cookies are only used by us and are therefore first-party cookies. This means that all the information saved in the cookies is only sent back to our website and is not processed by any third-party recipient.

Performance and marketing cookies come from external companies (third-party cookies). For the Google Ads and Google Analytics cookies Google LLC based in the USA, may process your data, respectively.

Further information about data protection at Google is available at: and

Data processing in the USA
The European Court of Justice has found that the US does not ensure an adequate level of data protection. There is therefore a particular risk that your data may be subject to access by US authorities for control and monitoring purposes and that no effective legal remedies are available. Before we set the above cookies and, if necessary, transfer your data to the US companies listed above, we will ask for your express consent (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR in conjunction with Article 49(1)(a) GDPR).
You can find an overview of the cookies used on our website in the Cookie SettingsYou can withdraw or give your consent to performance and marketing cookies from US providers at any time with effect for the future under the settings.

Contact forms

There are contact forms on our website you can use to send use queries.
In these forms, you can enter various personal data, such as your name, address and contact details, as well as information about your interests or concerns. If you contact us via a contact form, the information you provide will be processed for the purpose of processing your enquiry and for any follow-up questions, on the legal basis of Article 6(1)(f) GDPR. We have a legitimate interest in processing so that we can process your query quickly and effectively. You have the right to object to such processing at any time. If your query arises from a contract with us or from steps prior to entering into a contract, we process your data on the basis of Article 6(1)(b) GDPR. We store the data you provide for a maximum of three years after your request has been fully handled unless the data needs to be processed in the context of an insurance contract. In this case, the data processing information contained in the information sheet available above regarding data processing for insurance contracts applies.

Your rights as a person concerned

As a data subject, you have a fundamental right to access your data stored by us:

  • Information
  • Deletion of data
  • Correction of data
  • Transferability of data
  • Revocation and objection to data processing
  • Restriction

If you suspect that violations of data protection law have occurred in the course of processing your data, you have the option of complaining to us ( or to the data protection authority.

Our contact:

Website Owner: Johannes Smeh
Telephone: +436643031670

Data Privacy Officer

You can reach our privacy officer at:
Name: Johannes Smeh
Telephone: +436643031670

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