How much does advertising on porn sites cost?

That all depends

  • Where you want to advertise:

    Economically more interesting countries require higher budgets. Countries where users have a high propensity to buy are more expensive than countries with more conservative users. Targeting smaller regions, such as high-income cities, requires higher daily budgets than advertising in large countries. Just ask us, we will definitely find the most optimal solution for you.

  • How dominant you want to advertise on the platform:

    There are various spot positions available. Based on experience, there are better and less suitable spots for your offer. You can play one spot or several spots at the same time strongly or only minimally.

  • How many platforms you want to place your ads on:

    There are several very big porn websites where you can advertise. There are Pornhub, Youporn, xHamster, xvideos and xnxx, which together have billions of hits per month. Of course, if you want to see your ads on all of these sites, this requires more budget than focusing on just one platform.

  • How tightly you want to do the targeting:

    If you want to narrow down your target group, you can advertise in a more targeted way, but you have to reckon with higher budgets. Most of the time, this also pays off. However, targeting is only possible to a limited extent. The target group can be limited to gender, sexual orientation, time of day and technical device specifications, such as the operating system.

Budget examples



1 spot

1 spot



no targeting

no targeting

monthly 3.800,-

12 Mio impressions, 9.000 clicks, 450 new user



4 Spots

4 Spots

Pornhub, xVideos, xnxx

Pornhub, xVideos, XNXX



monthly 2.000,-

9 Mio impressions, 10.000 clicks, 500 new user



2 spots

2 spots





monthly 4.900,-

13 Mio Impressions, 30.000 Clicks, 750 neue User

These examples are only empirical values and are not guaranteed results!
Clicks are clicks recorded on the server side on the platforms.
Users are active interested users who actually interact with the website/online store.

User behavior note:

  • 1.

    Hits due to impressions

    Many users visit websites even without clicking on an advertising banner, simply because they have seen a banner that interests them several times. This usually increases the number of website hits via organic search queries, paid search queries and direct hits.

  • 2.

    Hits after test click

    Many users who click on a banner that interests them only visit the website briefly to test whether the offer matches the banner's promise and then return to the platform immediately. If the offer has aroused their interest, these users come back later via a search or direct access to the website.

  • 3.

    Valuable users

    Users who make the effort to remember the website name or brand name are usually very interested, and the brand name has already been more solidified by this extra little brain power.

  • 4.

    Banner blindness

    Users who are not interested in your offer do not see your ads and do not click on them. Not because there's some mysterious super-algorithm, but because that's how we humans work. Nobody likes advertising. But we are interested in solutions to our problems and desires. This explains the phenomenon of banner blindness in a nutshell: We have learned where advertising is placed and what advertising looks like. Our brain fades that out. But if something is advertised here that is interesting for us at the moment, it still enters our perception window. Here is a more detailed article on this: What is banner blindness and can it be cured?

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