The annual Pornhub Tech Review

Pornhub - Tech-Review

Do all Apple users understand the term „reverse cowgirl“?

130 million people visit Pornhub every day.

All over the world, no matter what cultural background, education or social station. Pornhub’s annual review therefore not only allows for conclusions to be drawn about the consumption of pornographic content, but also delivers insights on which devices and operating systems are generally used to consume content around the world.

Pornhub Tech Review Traffic by countries from devicesMobile is still growing.

80% of Pornhub’s total traffic stems from smartphones. An increase of almost 5% over the previous year.

What about Europe?

This trend of further mobile growth can be observed here as well. Likewise, the approx. 80% share of mobile use. Only one outlier remains: Germany. What makes it stand out is its significantly more prevalent use of desktops with 26%. However, at 7%, smartphones’ upwards trend is also higher than the global average. This implies it is only a matter of time before Germany too cracks the 80% mobile share.

Battle of the operating systems

Whether people use Apple or Android devices to indulge in porn consumption naturally corresponds to the devices‘ prevailing market shares the respective country. This means: Good old Europe with Asia and South America on Android’s side against North America and Australia, with a slight garnish of northern Europe and UK, who primarily browse Pornhub on iOS.

Android vs Apple preferences

Pornhub reports that search queries may possibly be influenced by regional language usage and preferences. This seems to be one of their slightly ironic understatements, comparing terms like „japan“ and „hentai“ on Android’s part with „fat ass“ and „kim kardashian“ on Apple’s. „Reverse cowgirl“, whatever that may mean, is probably a specialty in the Wild West, rather than applying to Apple users in general.